Friday, November 26, 2010

busy busy boy

The stairs are now off limits.  We have finally put up one gate so far.  It's a start.  Going down the stairs was always off limits, but now we have a gate at the bottom so he can't go up whenever he decides to anymore.  Oh, and I was just interrupted by the sound of the dishwasher rack being pulled on.  There he was helping Mommy again.  He is now strapped into his highchair having a snack (for my own sanity...). :)

I shouldn't complain.  It's a blessing to have to put up gates and run after this darling boy.  It means he is healthy and happy.  What a gift from God.  

It sure is invigorating to have a busy child now.  We can play and "talk" and laugh together.  It's quite amazing... I am in love!

Okay, off the Gabriel subject now (for the most part).  I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving.  We traveled up north(west) to Barry's parents' house last weekend.  We were able to see my grandmas on Saturday.  It was a nice visit and we went to the Fryin' Pan!  :) hehe.  Then we went to see my grandma C's brother for a bit before taking the grandmas home and going to my in-laws' house.  What fun we had there too!  It always feels like a relaxing getaway.  It's about 10-15 mins from any town, so it's nice and peaceful with rolling hills and beautiful scenery.  However, I'm such a city (suburb?) girl that it's nice to know they have neighbors just across the road too!  

On Sunday they hosted a very delicious Thanksgiving meal before we had to drive home.  We were able to see ALL of Gabriel's 3 great grandmas that weekend!  Yet another blessing!  One of Barry's sisters came home with us that evening.  She's visiting from AZ.  She is now in WI visiting another sister and seeing the newest baby in the family!  We have yet to meet him.  It's so strange that Gabriel is not the youngest cousin anymore!  PLUS there is another one on the way on that side!  I married into Barry's family when only one of his sisters had 2 boys.  Now my inlaws have 7 grandkids (being prolife-- I count each and every one, obviously including the unborn child!).

Yesterday we spent Thanksgiving at Barry's aunt's house nearby.  Gabriel had so much fun playing with cousins!  One of his aunties bought him these awesome toys for Christmas. *Look in the pic above and you will see them too!*  He loves the pear the most!  Later, my brother and sis-in-law came over with a pan of lasagna.  YUM!!!  We also got some Wii time in!  That's a given.

Today is Barry's mom's birthday!  One week ago today was my mom's birthday too.  We will see Barry's mom tomorrow and Sunday when we travel to WI for the newest baby's baptism.  :)  Yay!  Also, tonight my mom is coming home from a two week stay in IL.  I'm sure it's a bittersweet return.  At least she has a grandson here to love and adore!  It is always interesting to see what he will do when Grandma returns from her trips to see Grandpa.  Gabriel is usually bashful for a little while and then perks up and starts showing off all his new tricks.  One of which is NOT going to be climbing the stairs!  Okay, okay, I'm sure Grandma will take down the gate to see this feat!  Then she will probably take him to the mirror and do their special "Three Little Fishies" dance.

Spoiled busy busy busy busy boy...

Thursday, November 4, 2010


Whoa... this blog is neglected sometimes!  As a reader of lots of other blogs, I have enjoyed reading their Novemberish posts on thankfulness.  It's doubtful that we focus enough on the blessings we've been given, and really, I'm so glad that we have Thanksgiving time to realize them.  We need that reminder that God is good (all the time!).  Maybe it's not ideal that we need the reminder, BUT... we. often. fall. so. short.  At least I do.

Some things I'm thankful for lately (in no particular order... just what comes to mind!):

* Gabriel's loud singing * Gabriel being healthy * my incredibly loving husband * Barry's job * a healthy new nephew * a healthy new baby for my cousin * other SAHMs (even across the US!) * Playgroup * Small Group * long lasting tires * decaf peppermint mochas at Starbucks * new Thirsties diaper covers * Sesame Street songs and how they provide coffee time for Mommy * remembering there is another close Caribou * meeting for lunch/dinner with old coworkers * text messages from old/awesome friends * the election being (almost) over-- everything but the Governor's office is done * Baby Storytime * warm slipper socks * randomly placed no-frost-on-car-window mornings * crunchy leaves * Christmas season approaching * sweet neighbors * balls and puppies * brothers + wives * grandmas * phone calls with Dad(dy) * meals with Mom(my) * Gabriel's deer in the backyard * La la la LINOLEUM * Forgotten God by Francis Chan * 

Hopefully I'll continue a bit of this during the month!  How about you?  What are you thankful for right now?

All right, this blog post is done because Gabriel has been holding a cloth over his face, dragging on the suspense of his one sided peek-a-boo game.  Poor kid.  He's definitely our "tiny prince of peek-a-boo" (from Boy of Mine by Jabari Asim).  

Friday, July 23, 2010

Online shopping

Anyone else pretty addicted?  I have cut back a lot... I guess I was never crazy, but it's been a horrible temptation for me!  So to help everyone else out-- is having a "Black Friday" sale today.  Nothing has been horribly tempting except for one cute shirt.

In other news, my husband wins for doing this for me...

Monday, July 19, 2010

I Love You

Guess who started a peek-a-boo game with me, yesterday, as we were walking around Cub (grocery store)?  That, I think, is a milestone.  :)

And this?

That is a milestone.

Other than that, not much is new around here.  We will be taking Gabriel for 6 month pictures by the same guy who took our wedding photos.  Greg Thorne does an excellent job.  That is an understatement for sure.  We're especially touched by how much he and his wife cared about us and our family and how much they remember about that day, even though they do so many weddings!!!

Wow, speaking of that day... we're coming up on 2 years on 8/2!  Time has gone quickly.  We can already see that in terms of our 6 month old darling.  I often ask Gabriel, "Where did my baby go?"  I only see a big boy now.

That big boy has to into the doctor today to see if his ears are okay.  He has been struggling with a horrible cold for the past 10 days.  Now he isn't eating quite like he used to and he seems in general discomfort.  Ear infection?  Teething?  Attitude at 6 mos?  I don't know.  We shall see!  If he is found to be okay, maybe they will give him the 6 month shots we had to pass on during his 6 month "well-child" appointment... because he was... sick.  Poor kid.

Other than that, Barry and I are doing well.  Barry is working and then doing Army stuff this week.  I am enjoying being a SAHM.   Barry is an excellent father.  It's fun to see him in this role.  Some of Gabriel's activities where DADDY is the desirable playmate:  Tonka Truck fun, "driving" Gabriel's car, going to local little league/up to legion baseball games, playing with most other toys and checking out Daddy's whiskers.  :)

And actually... Gabriel most clearly said "I love you" to his daddy FIRST.  Sooo precious!

Monday, May 24, 2010

pure joy

these last few months have been a whirlwind.  i'm trying to get everything recorded somewhere... milestones, events, etc.  how do people cope with having children?  one child is overwhelming enough.  i would like to aspire to being like one of the many super moms i know, but i am failing miserably already!

that being said, gabriel is pure joy!  i couldn't have imagined having a baby like him.  he's pretty close to perfect. when his pediatrician sees his name on her schedule, she knows it will be a fantastic day.  he smiles and talks to her and laughs and squirms.  he's just that kinda baby!  now if i dare leave the room to do laundry or go to the bathroom, you will see quite the opposite reactions out of this child.  he's way too social and needs someone around all the time.  

i love being a stay at home mom.  i was kinda excited to be phasing out of work (see last blog) because i thought life would be pretty relaxing and less busy as a sahm.  um.  wow.  no.  but i wouldn't trade it for the world.  my job is at least 16 hours long for every 24 hours... and even then, sometimes it's a 20 hour/day position.  i thought i'd be awesome-- keep the house in shape, iron Barry's clothes, put away laundry, cook every day, occasionally bake a cake or cookies, work on crocheting, schedule in dates with Barry (with a little tagalong :) ), keep the baby book up to date, dabble in scrapbooking, write letters to old friends, have coffee with friends, attend several playgroups during the week, take gabriel on outings, and of course do other things that come with being a MOM.  well... again, i was wrong.  sometimes gabriel needs to be held and snuggled... sometimes he needs to have kisses lavished upon him.  sometimes he needs tummy time with mommy...  sometimes he just wants to sleep in my arms.  there is nothing better than just hanging out with him.

after all... just look at that smile...